Helping you develop new tea and herbal products, processing methods and formulations to grow your business/portfolio
Ensuring that the products you offer global clients and markets are compliant with regulations. Assisting you set up appropriate testing and due diligence procedures. Audit Preparation, FSVP services
Problems with supplier quality that you just can't fix? Issues with end clients trying to use your products but having technical difficulties? Precipitation in RTD formulations? Get in touch today!
Carbon life-cycle analysis through process following Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) methodologies allowing delivery of data to clients and identifying potential agricultural and processing improvements
Certification can be bewildering. What do you need and why?
Becoming an approved supplier (on-boarding) to any company requires a great deal of work. Need help developing / completing document packs or Tracegains requests?
Help to bring your staff up to speed through focused visits to producing areas, presentations, tastings and courses about the beverage trade and products e.g. tea, herbals and botanicals consultancy